Is there still a place for the mighty pharmaceutical sales force?
For the better part of the last decade, the diminishing role of the pharmaceutical sales representative as an integral part of the...
Uplytic/HCP - the Science of Segmentation
The first on demand, data driven HCP segmentation engine built specifically for biopharma. #video #segmentation
Rep and a Hard Place
In April 1969 Medical Marketing & Media published the results of an exclusive Detailing & Physician Survey, from which its editors...
Uplytic for Pharma Sales and Marketing Teams
Uplytic can finally link promotion and response for pharmaceutical sales and marketing teams. We leverage your company's big data to...
Whatever Happened to Pharmaceutical Swag?
In 2008, a Duluth-based hospital operator went on a purge. After scouring four hospitals and 17 clinics across northeastern Minnesota,...
Pills Tracked From Doctor to Patient to Aid Drug Marketing
In the old days, sales representatives from drug companies would chat up local pharmacists to learn what drugs doctors were prescribing....
Did Pharma Forget Their Science When It Comes To Promotion?
For an industry full of brilliant scientists, pharmaceutical companies are slow to adopt evidence based sales methodologies. Here’s why. ...
3 Ways Analytics Are Hurting Pharma Rep Effectiveness
Analytics are good. Just ask sales and marketing teams. Or ask the companies that aggregate, integrate, and clean the data. You can also...